TUV CERT Instytut Badawczy Dróg


We can send you all detailed information on the technologies used and the terms of the order by letter, fax, e-mail or by delegating an employee experienced in a given field for this purpose.


Interkorr LLC (Interkorr Sp. z o.o.)
ul. Igołomska 10
31-983 Kraków
TELEFON: +48 12 643 33 05
FAX: +48 12 686 96 40
e-mail: interkorr1@gmail.com
Germany office:
Interkorr LLC (Interkorr Sp. z o.o.)
67069 Ludwigshafen am Rhein
Moskauer Str. 15
TELEFON: +49 62154057430
FAX: +49 62154057432
e-mail: info@interkorr.de


Contact form

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